Thursday, August 27, 2020

Port Expanders Free Essays

There are no particular sorts of ports for the a wide range of kinds of PCs now days. Port expanders are PC equipment that permits more than one gadget to have the option to interface with a solitary port on a PC. The two fundamental kinds of pot expanders are the inward and the outside. We will compose a custom paper test on Port Expanders or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now I found that there was a young lady on this site by the name of â€Å"Cameron head geek†. He is an individual that she had the option to converse with about the port expanders and around then he revealed to her that â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. MAC’s and PC’s have similar ports. FireWire used to be overly famous with MAC’s, yet a ton of PC’s had it too. FireWire is practically eliminated now days though†. A portion of the inconveniences to port expanders is a great deal of them are outer and they can be irritating. They disrupt the general flow and could utilize more force and if your capacity source isn't sufficient it could be a genuine enormous issue when you include more gadgets it will take up considerably more force and afterward that’s not all that great. That could cause the PC not to return on and could likewise make you need to unplug and start from the very beginning once more. The upsides of utilizing port expanders are that you get more ports more ports to utilize. SAS expanders take one port and make many out of them. So state you have one 6gbps, and you grow it so you can associate 8 gadgets. The complete throughput on each of the 8 ports is just 6gbps, or about 80MBPS. Indeed, even in ordinary hard drives can do 80MBPS, so actually you could see a bottleneck here, however by and by you most likely will be fine? In Some cases SAS expanders are less expensive than getting an equivalent number of â€Å"real† ports. And yet it relies upon the amount you plan on utilizing it and furthermore the amount you truly need to pay for these things. In this paper I had the option to comprehend the way that the expander port are not only for utilizing of one kind of PC however that they are likewise ready to be utilized for various sorts and that a wide range of types are not only something to be thankful for they have a wide range of kinds of terrible uses additionally and that occasionally you many imagine that they are something to be thankful for and yet they are a downright awful thing. In this way, with everything taken into account they can be acceptable and yet they can likewise be a downright awful thing. The data of this paper was found on the site of: www. eugenecomputergeeks. com Step by step instructions to refer to Port Expanders, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business Plan and Implementation.

A field-tested strategy is seen to be a foremost device in any business organization.â Apple Inc. is an American based organization that makes and market versatile specialized gadgets, compact music players. This organization is the biggest data innovation supplier on the planet. The point of this report is to make business center, create and set up an arrangement of exercises to be utilized as a manual for Apple Inc. in accomplishing its set targets and objectives. For organizations to flourish, there must be set up arrangements in directing its tasks targeting expanding their overall revenues subsequently proceeded with business life.â Increasing profitability of the firm’s items, the administration may utilize techniques like utilization of new innovation in their activity, survey of the current arrangement and actualize constant improvement approach during the procedure. One of the essential objectives of Apple Inc. firm is to expand the profitability of data innovation items. Accordingly, this means high deals volume thus high-overall revenues are accomplished over the long haul. The organization can achieve this through making brand mindfulness about its items to the clients (Csiszar, 2017). Brand mindfulness can be cultivated through the (web influence, the formation of web based life nearness) and supporting open occasions, for example, open games and golf competitions. In the occasion, the items are shown to the potential clien ts with discretionary cashflow to buy the item. In each business to stay dynamic in the market, there is a requirement for built up plan of exercises announcing an everyday exercises. Specifically, the arrangement is utilized to outline future, to help the development of the firm, to create and convey the game-plan to the individuals and to help exit key administration forms. Apple Inc. items stay to maintain the first company’s vows to its clients during its origin. The organization works in California and targets worldwide markets. The organization utilizes systems, for example, Apple brand character (centers around feelings about how the client feels in the wake of utilizing the organization item), Apple client experience (all the merchandise must fit in with Apple brands) and Apple brand radiance impact. The organization objective in utilizing such techniques is to keep up a brand guarantee to its potential clients (Marketing-Minds, 2016). It is a lot of essential for any business to have appropriate market audit prerequisite procedures during their tasks. Apple Inc. The organization utilizes devices, for example, Steeple examination strategy, Scenario arranging procedure, basic achievement factor investigation (CSFA) and the five powers technique.â Also, the top administration surveys showcase execution and the ideal heading, operational issues relating the business and laborers association for legitimate execution examination of the firm. The organization works in US based markets and other worldwide markets over the world. Deciding asset prerequisite is one of significant objective before business activity begins. The main role of the investigator in business is to give out viewpoints that can lessen in general expenses in activity. Apple Inc. utilizes systems, for example, directing of study cycle, booking conceptualizing meeting and talking key partners as a portion of the significant procedures in recognizing asset required. The organization is finished by the CEO being helped by the administrators (Rowland, 2017). Interviews with Stakeholders Apple Inc. necessities to frame both inside and outer partners in its activity. Inward partners incorporate the representatives and friends owners.â On the other hand, outer partners incorporate the speculators or those financing the business venture (Denton, 2017). The firm conference with partners point is to yield benefits like an assessment of firm’s activity, distinguishing proof, and following of firm’s needs and the foundation of brand esteems. Through the meeting procedure, data stream to and from the partners become a lot of productive. Along these lines, a concocted procedure is a lot of crucial in the association. Created channel to accomplish this can take the structure belowâ â Apple Inc. necessities to create execution objective and activities procedures like a reasonable scorecard. The board can incorporate new systems with the point of accomplishing an advancement in activity. This mode makes an interpretation of key business targets into execution measures. The accompanying schematic graph gives exercises stream in execution quantifies in Apple Inc (Rousseau, 2015). Report on the primary perspective exhibition measureâ at various stages Apple Inc.â Incorporate scorecard method in assessing execution activity in the administration in accomplishing its set destinations. Official administration centers around estimation. In all the four classes in the arrangement and proper be drafted. Specifically, Apple Inc.â Being planned to be a PCs organization, shopper faithfulness estimations are only being familiar in orchestrating delegates toward moving toward a customer driven association. The organization needs to construct its free examinations with a particular ultimate objective to follow its key market sections in far and expansive point of view. At this period of execution measure usage, key viewpoints need to tended to for the simple completion of the organization set destinations (Rousseau, 2015). In advancement and learning point of view, the turn of events and learning objectives are proposed to drive change in money related, customer, and inside procedure execution. At Apple Inc., such updates began from a thing and organization progression that would make new wellsprings of salary and market improvement, and furthermore from a constant change in internal work structures. The essential objective was estimated by percent income from new organizations. A staff attitude study and a measurement for the amount of agent, suggestions estimated whether or not such an air was being made. Finally, pay per specialist estimated the aftereffects of agent obligation and getting ready projects. Thus, the monetary perspective included three proportions of centrality to the investor. Profit for capital-used and salary reflected tendencies, while steady gauge quality hailed the corporate parent's hankering to reduce the chronicled defenselessness realized by unanticipated assortments in execution. Apple Inc. organization included two fiscal measures. Broaden advantage gave focus on the endeavor as the crucial unit for organizing and control.â To make proportions of inward methodology, Apple Inc. overseers portrayed the existence pattern of venture from dispatch to perfection. The new focus underscored activities that joined key business structures. Internal audits had revealed that the roundabout costs from an incident could be 5 to multiple times the quick expenses. The scorecard incorporated a security document, got from a broad prosperity estimation system that could perceive and arrange each and every undesired event with the potential for harm to people, property, and procedure (Rousseau, 2015). The firm has had the option to accomplish the set objectives and targets, in study led demonstrates that there is an expansion in net deals, expanded income and insignificant protests from the potential clients. The key execution pointers utilized by Apple Inc. can be client criticisms and quality degrees of the items this unmistakably show the essential set business targets are set by the firm. Also,â the organization has contrived other creation procedures like licensing with the point of wandering into more extensive worldwide markets (NASDAQ, 2017). For this issue, the firm will have wide access to the clients henceforth getting a charge out of advantages of economies of scale. Since the origin of business tasks, Apple Inc. has indicated underperformance of around 7% over the period which is a significant viewpoint to showcase capitalization. Underperformance in any creation firm is by all accounts a significant test which should tended to with prompt impact. This can lead business shut down if the status becomes severe.â lately roughly 4.4% drop in income has been experienced in the firm because of an abatement in iPhone deals over the period (NASDAQ, 2017). To fuse an adjustment in the association, base up correspondence becomes essential objective to be sought after by the administration. In actuality, new abilities are granted to the laborers henceforth improve in quality and decreased creation cycles. A fantastic preparing model must have five stages in particular; first understanding the zones failing to meet expectations, arranging and readiness, execution and ultimately surveying to check its usefulness. This arrangement appears to repeat Apple Inc. to elevate its failed to meet expectations regions (Denton, 2017). Apple's Product Development Process may be a champion among the best diagram handle anytime realized. The progression is to structure format at the bleeding edge; plan groups are isolated from the huge organization, investigating and in conclusion bundling of the item prepared to the prepared (IDF, 2012). Plan objectives and targets should be conveyed to the beneficiaries through the correct channel like print or online toward the beginning of the activity. The staff should be up to the undertakings weak. In creating execution reports, the message should be exact for the most part for the beneficiaries to comprehend quickly.Graphic rating scale technique was utilized in following the presentation. Increasingly significant, creation differences were recognized through income checks. Ultimately, suggestions of increasingly improved models become principal to Apple Inc. Csiszar, J. (2017). Step by step instructions to Increase Brand Awareness for a Product. Recovered from Chron: brand-mindfulness item 41158.html Denton, P. (2017). Report to UN Environment Major Groups and Stakeholders, Region of North America. IDF. (2012). Apple’s Product Development Process †Inside the World’s Greatest Design Organ

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Choose College Admission Essay Topics And Examples

How to Choose College Admission Essay Topics And ExamplesWhen you begin preparing for your college admission essay, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is to set up a list of essay topics with no examples. Many students fail to write effective essays because they don't put the proper thought into their topics and examples. Before you go about writing your first essay, read on to find out why examples are important and how to find examples on your own.Essays should not be written without examples. There are a variety of different examples that can be used as part of your college admission essay. This can be something that you research or ask around your school. Either way, you should use a variety of examples to find one that works well for your personal circumstances.Another option is to do some research in order to find examples that apply to your personal experience. Take the time to identify topics that may apply to you and see if any of them were discussed in high school. Fr om there, you can read books on the topic and find examples that fit your situation.Not all writing can be considered an essay, but when it comes to writing a college admission essay, this is where most students tend to get bogged down. When you are beginning to draft your essay, it can be hard to figure out what types of examples are best to use. However, there are a variety of options for topics and examples. The most common ones include:One of the biggest problems with essays is writing too much on character traits. As an example, if you are writing an essay to write about yourself, it is important to remember that most people have strong characteristics in their life. You might not agree with all of these, but you should still include them in your essay. For example, in one essay, I found a student who wrote about her mother being the backbone of their family, but also included details about her father's past of lying and stealing.Using examples from previous school papers is an other great way to keep your topic from being too stale. This is a good thing because there is often a common thread between school papers because of the same situations and personalities. In fact, if you can write a school paper, you can likely write an essay too.Finally, you should be sure to look at previous essays for ideas and examples. They aren't all similar because of the nature of the subject matter, but they are similar enough to know that you will find plenty of examples to use when drafting your essay. Also, if you have a feeling on what you would like to talk about, it is easy to start researching the topic and find examples that are already available. That way, you don't have to spend hours looking for information.Writing your own essay doesn't have to be difficult if you follow these tips and learn from others. When you combine the best tips with examples from other students, you will be able to write your own essay with ease.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Hannibal Lecters Identity and Ethos Essay - 1071 Words

Hannibal Lecters Identity and Ethos Anthony Hopkins, as Hannibal raises a few interesting ideas about reality, identity and our perception of the serial killer. First of all, the movie would have never been made if Hopkins, had not agreed to do the sequel (Sterritt). Second, even though Hopkins, has taken on numerous roles, his memorable roles (besides as Hannibal Lecter) are not so villainous such as his characters in Remains of the Day or Shadowlands. In relation to this ethnography of the audience viewing the film, Hannibals ethos is directly tied to Hopkins, ethos and it shows in audience reactions. Movie makers know the power of celebrity in American society, and as Americans, we usually like to cheer for†¦show more content†¦The character, Hannibal, could be analyzed within any of Baudrillards four orders, as aspects of his character fit into any one of the categories. Under the first order, Hannibal may be seen as a symbol or sign of an actual serial killer who may live in the present doing similar things. However, our morality resists this notion because we dont want to believe such evil exists in reality. But, to complicate matters, Dr. Lecter is a psychiatrist by trade. As a psychiatrist, he shows he is educated, well mannered, and intelligent not our typical image of a serial killer. If the words and images of the media represent reality within this first order, the psychiatrist or psychotherapist is increasingly important in todays society as the person who guides decisions and lives of people in therapy thus eliminating morality and replacing it with relativism to the self. Therefore, as a well-mannered and polite psychiatrist, Hannibal gains credibility with the audience and thus becomes a protagonist figure. So our basic reality in resisting the evil nature of Hannibal is supported by his occupation and intelligence. Within the context of the second order, Hannibals character represents something that masks reality. An analysis of this order leads to questions of Hannibals identity mixed in with his ethos and the nature of the horror film genre. The largest

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Teachers Unsung Heroes of the World - 4204 Words

DEDICATION * * * This reflection paper is dedicated to the unsung heroes of the world—TEACHERS; To all morally upright and just individuals whose sense of integrity and humility are rooted deeply within them; To Mr. Books who never fails to inspire me with his words and wisdom; To my parents and my mentor, EXPERIENCE, for making me understand at an early age the essentialities of life here on earth; And to my Creator, You are beyond the superlative degree of adjective. You are the Minerva and the hair of Samson in my life. You have always been there leading me along the path that I have chosen! I salute you all! - K.A.P.C. * * *†¦show more content†¦An object continues to exist independently of the mind. Mrs. Thompson were aware of the presence of Teddy. He comes to school, takes exams, et cetera. Yet, Mrs. Thompson ignored to use her mental faculty to the most logical and sensible manner that she could to diagnose the problem of Teddy. It’s like when a man and a woman were seen by somebody moving out a motel. It is not hard to imagine what would immediately come in the mind of the observer. It is a prejudice akin to judging the book because of its worn-out cover. Having been explained that ‘seeing is believing’ is not always reliable, it is to be rejected. What we hear or see is not what we should always believe in. At times, we need to be idealists. There are times when we need to be rationalists, or skeptics or moralists, so on and so forth. There are even times when we need to be generalists. Remember this overused line: â€Å"Together we stand, divided we fall†? Adopting only one philosophy in life is discriminatory but it surely will lead us somewhere although our vision will be much like that of a tunnel. As for me, too much is enough. If these â€Å"too much† ideas being introduced to us at any given time anywhere in the world will solve human strife, it should have started a long time ago. Sadly, it did not. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Obesity A Growing Problem - 848 Words

Obesity related illnesses contribute to over 300,000 deaths per year in the U.S. We are a nation of overfed under nourished people with obesity becoming a pandemic. Obesity was once thought to be exclusively a social problem; it is now classified as a medical problem. It is a multibillion dollar industry. Losing weight is not just as simple as exercising more and eating less, as our society has grown more complex the obesity rate has risen. Obesity is a growing problem in the U.S. today caused primarily by environmental conditions, food systems and lifestyle changes. Surroundings, demographics, opportunities or conditions of a person’s life are all influences that can shape the environment in which we live. Culture can definitely shape how we view obesity. In poorer areas they view obesity as a sign of money or success; being thick is the new beautiful in other cultures. In contrast, lower income areas have limited access to fresh unprocessed foods or healthier shopping options, less transportation, and the need to make their income stretch resulting in unhealthy food choices. Furthermore, environment and genetics affect our biochemistry long term which can drive our behaviors. â€Å"Stress plays a role in our childhood, a time when eating patterns and fat cells are programmed† (Lustig, 2013, P 68). Stress can continue to play a part in our biochemical make up throughout our life by affecting loss of sleep, raising cortisol levels thus promoting faster addiction issues. IncreasedShow MoreRelatedObesity : A Growing Problem959 Words à ‚  |  4 PagesIntroduction Today in the United States, obesity is a growing problem. One-third of adults in the United States are obese which is about 78.6 million people (â€Å"Adult Obesity Facts† 1). The number of adults that are obese has quadrupled in the last thirty years. Childhood obesity has doubled in the last thirty years. In 1980, seven percent of children between the ages of six and eleven were obese. In 2012, eighteen percent of children in that same age group were obese. In 1980, five percent of teensRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem918 Words   |  4 PagesObesity is a growing problem in the United States, especially with children and adolescents. Since 1980 obesity rates have more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents. In 2012 more than one third of children in the United States were either overweight or obese. With obesity rates in children and adolescents continuing to grow, we need to educate ourselves to help lead a healthier lifestyle for our children. There a re many things that can cause obesity from health problems to poorRead MoreIs Obesity A Growing Problem? Essay1319 Words   |  6 Pagesmuscle health, an increase in body fat, and possible depression. Obesity is a growing problem in America not only with adults but also with school aged children. The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same period (Childhood Obesity Facts, 2015). Being physically active can also help youth improveRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem1352 Words   |  6 Pagesdeveloped countries, especially in the United Kingdom, obesity is a growing problem and causes serious morbidity in western countries. The appearance of obesity is affecting the general public. The connection to be overweight or obesity is because of the body absorb calories mor e than the necessary. Western-style diet, lack of outdoors activities, emotions and genetics are the main reasons leading to people who suffer the obesity. The number of obesity continues to rise as a signal, conduce the publicRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem1658 Words   |  7 PagesRunning head: ​​ ​​​​​ Obesity ​​​​​ JoAnne DuBois ​​​​ Pima Medical Institute Abstract Obesity continues to be a growing problem in the U.S. with diet and lifestyle as two major contributors. Americans are becoming less active and eating more unhealthy foods that are easily accessible. Diet and lifestyle seems to be the more obvious causes for obesity, but there are many different factors that play a role in the continuingRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem4014 Words   |  17 PagesIntroduction: 1 Obesity is a chronic, widespread disease that is affecting more children, adolescents and adults than ever before. In America, obesity rates in children have doubled and tripled in adolescents since 1980 and additionally, 15 percent of children between 6 and 19 are overweight and more than 60 percent of adults are overweight are obese. Additionally, the prevalence of a BMI greater than or equal to 40 had quadrupled from 1986 and 2000 and clinically severe obesity is become prevalentRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem1780 Words   |  8 Pageschanges cause many problems in health care. With more technology and quicker access to things, health problems in general seem unattainable at times. Many parents are working more days and longer hours at work, leaving many children at home to feed themselves. As a result, many children and adolescents are eating at fast food places for various reasons: eating at a fast food place has cheap, quick access, and takes no waiting time. Through the years studies have shown an increase in obesity throughout theRead MoreObesity : A Growing Problem2076 Words   |  9 PagesObesity has become an immense problem in today’s society and, like the average American, has been growing larger and larger in recent years with showing no signs of slimming down. Although our society defines being obese as having any extra weight in even the slightest of capacities, the definition is a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. Because obesity is such a big issue in America, one might want to know how we could let it get this bad, but whoRead MoreObesity: A Growing Problem796 Words   |  3 PagesOverweight and obese children are a significant problem in the United States today. The amount of overweight adolescents and younger children have sky rocketed, and has more than tripled since the 1970s. Developing overweight habits while young inhibits an individual’s chances of being health y later in life. In order to prevent the obesity epidemic in our country, the major causes and root problems of obesity must be explored and put to an end. Obviously, overeating and a lacking of physical activityRead MoreChildhood Obesity: A Growing Problem795 Words   |  3 PagesChildhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. Many people may say it is the Child’s fault, he is weak willed. This is just a common misconception; there are hundreds of different reasons for childhood obesity. I will just be scratching the surface of this paper. By the same token childhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. We can achieve this by understanding some common misconceptions, understanding health problems, and understanding fitness. Therefore

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Blue Hotel Essay Example For Students

Blue Hotel Essay 10166076English 102Stephen Crane is a well?known author of variety of short stories. His short stories anticipate the ironic realism of the decades ahead. In his brief and energetic life, he published fourteen books while acting out, in his personal adventures, the legend of the writer as soldier of fortune. The short story The Blue Hotel by Stephen Crane shows how peoples perceptions of things are not always what they really are. Death is an occurring theme throughout the story. The drab, colorless background with The Blue Hotel standing awkwardly right in the middle of the snow. From the moment that the Swede arrived at the Blue Hotel he felt uneasy about staying at the hotel. In his mind he transformed the Blue Hotel into a wild west hotel, from all of the many dime novels he has read. In one of the initial scenes this fear is evident The Swede answered him swiftly and eagerly: These men are going to kill me.. I know I wont get out of here alive(115). The Swedes fear of dying had made him want to leave the hotel, but Pat Scully, the owner of the Blue Hotel, attempted to get him to stay by giving him a tour of the hotel and showing him pictures of his family. Scully shows the Swede some pictures of his children, Thats the pitcher of my little girl that died. Her name was Carrie. She had the purtiest hair you ever saw! I was that fond of her, she?(117). Cranes use of color in the episode helps to point out the pattern of death. Scully and the Swede first walk into a dark room and while Scully speaks of his deceased daughter the Swede focuses on the shadows in the darker part of the room. The Swede fears everything in the hotel, so Scully offers him some whiskey to calm him down, which of course the Swede believes is poisoned. After Skully proves to the Swede that the whiskey is fine the Swede take a drink. The whiskey Skully gives the Swede loosens him up some; the Swede begins to drink more and more. Soon there after he joins a card game, where he proclaims that Johnnie, Scullys son, has been cheating. The Swede feels that the only way to right the wrongs of Johnnies cheating is to fight. Ironically the street is covered in a fine white virgin snow as the spectators chant Kill him, Johnnie! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!(123). In this scene the Swede thought that the gang of spectators would kill him, however, Scully made it so that only he and Johnnie would fight. As with most of the story the Swede was fearful of fighting Johnnie, he feared Johnnie would beat him and he feared that the crowd would kill him. The Swede wins allowing Cra ne to set up what starts the Swedes death march. Having beaten the hotel owners son, the Swede decides to leave the hotel. However the Swede, still under the influence of the whiskey, stops at a local saloon where he wants to celebrate his victory. When he finds that no one will celebrate with him he,Grasped the gambler frenziedly at the throat, and was dragging him from his chair. then was seen a long blade in the hand of gambler. It shot forward, and a human body, this citadel of virtue, wisdom, power, was pierced as easily as if it had been a melon (128). The Swedes limp body fell to floor beneath the bar where he had been drinking. The theme of death in The Blue Hotel is present throughout the story. Cranes use of color, character flaws, and plot help strengthen this theme. Crane uses the Swedes fear of death in the Wild Wild West to ultimately kill him. Had the Swede not been drinking, he more than likely would not have become so aggressive and in turn he would not have started the fight with the gambler that led to his death. Many people see things not as they really are, they see them through rose?colored classes, which the Swede had done. He truly believed the stories he had read about the West and that was the only thing he could see. .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 , .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 .postImageUrl , .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 , .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7:hover , .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7:visited , .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7:active { border:0!important; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7:active , .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7 .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u30223d96e143e38d19349c5f5d0670b7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hurricane Andrew 3 Essay

Monday, March 9, 2020

Individual Rights essays

Individual Rights essays A person with HIV/AIDS should have the same rights as any other individual without HIV/AIDS. Everyone should be treated equally, without discrimination. We have been taught that discrimination is wrong, so why would it be okay to be intolerant towards someone with HIV/AIDS? There should be no exception; a person should be treated equally with or without this disease. The victims whom suffer from this disease are human beings as well; they are no different from you. If Apartheid was still practiced in South Africa, that would be unconstitutional. If the people who have HIV/AIDS were to be secluded from rest of the society it would be the same as Apartheid. These people are the same as any other human being, they have feelings and they suffer. They should not endure discrimination or have their rights taken away, they suffer enough from the illness. It would be wrong to show prejudice towards a person of the different sex or religion, and to discriminate a person because AIDS affects them is just as wrong. Many might not have the same opinions or thoughts because they have considered the risks of living among people with HIV/AIDS. However, there are other ways to help the society control the spread of HIV/AIDS. Education would be key here, safety tips for the prevention of HIV can help enormously. Another option would be to just precautions when dealing with HIV/AIDS. If the right precautions are made, then the virus cannot harm others. Others believe that victims of HIV/AIDS should be quarantined or secluded to prevent this disease. This nevertheless, it is not only a horrible way to treat people, it goes against what we have worked so hard to achieve, equity. And judging by the statistics there are more that 38 million people with AIDS in the world, quarantine would seem very unrealistic. What we have to understand is that AIDS cannot be vanished that easily, taking such drastic actions wil ...

Friday, February 21, 2020

Ethical Challenges realted to Leadership roles in Organizations Essay

Ethical Challenges realted to Leadership roles in Organizations - Essay Example brings confidence that the goods and services the customers have bought have not been made at the expense of workers in the global supply chains enjoying their rights (Bohlman, 1993). A good ethical decision favoring fair pricing would make international trade work better for the whole people in the world, especially the disadvantaged. Such case demands the people in leadership to promote fair pricing because it will address the issue of trade injustices and discrimination against the consumers (Steers, 2010). There is less involvement of the most governments in regulating fair pricing in the markets. It is because most countries have weak law enforcement aimed at protecting customers, hostile environment to trade unions, and few people are members of unions that fight for fair pricing. However, most governments promote fair pricing. It is legal in most countries for retailers to charge high prices because it will pay the workers a wage they can afford to live on. On the contrary, it is unethical to charge these high prices because most consumers find it as bullying (Steers,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

JavaScript-Same Origin Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

JavaScript-Same Origin Policy - Essay Example The essay "JavaScript-Same Origin Policy" overviews a security concept, the same origin policy, a concept used when there is a need to isolate documents retrieved from distinct origins. The same origin ideas thus help in avoiding the hackers from injecting evil sites into someone’s or other sites that are wanted private. This origin policy always starts with trust; a web page owns its data and is free to submit that data to the original website. Thus, the already running JavaScript will be given an assurance of not being evil. The JavaScript will load more content e.g. building a simple image gallery use that is through writing JavaScript encryptions that insert and erases into the existing page. The browser, therefore, will instantly load the image, in a way, showing that it had been present in the existing page, and removes it from the display if the image is deleted. Thus, the same origin policy code prevents the JavaScript from directing data to a dissimilar server or from writing a data belonging to a different server. Enabling communications with another domain will depend on the use of JSONP, which grounds on a -tag. The sent information to another domain is encrypted in the URL as limits. The resumed JavaScript comprises of a purpose call with the invited info as parameters. Though if some evil encryptions of JavaScript gets submitted into a clean web page, it may results into an tag and includes them on that page. It will be safe to develop a URL to any intimidating domain.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Live Together Before Marriage?

Live Together Before Marriage? Now-a-days it is the trend among the people that they move in before marriage. Either love or attachment plays a vital role in it. But the main concept of men and women living together before marriage is considered as a sin in some religions, or most religions. But as the world is making progress so are the minds of people, changing according with the time. Now an individual before even engagement or marriage moves in and then tries to understand the other person. Sometimes, this is the reason and sometimes it is not depending on the thinking and mentality of people. But it can be a problem for women as well as for men. Now the basic problem is that what a person should do? Whether he should let the change happen, or he shouldnt. A New Woman magazine study by Columbia University discovered that twenty six percent of women reviewed and a slight nineteen percent of men wed the individual with whom they were co-habiting. The mean cohabitant has several partners in a lifetime. Cohabitati on involves no public firm promise, no promise for the future, no authorized statement of love and blame. There is essentially a personal placement founded on an emotional bond. The commitment of dwelling simultaneously is easily a month-to-month rental agreement. There is a statement in The Future Of Marriage by Jessie Bernard in which he stated, One fundamental fact underlies the conception of marriage itself. Some kind of firm pledge should be involved. Merely fly-by-night, feel and go relationships do not specify. According to him the people who get married with a condition of dying with each other possess a reasonably distinct level of firm pledge, thus a quite distinct grade of security, therefore a rather distinct grade of freedom, and as an outcome a rather different grade of joyfulness than those who wed with a condition in their mind that they will last together till their love last. These types of people habitually anticipate the instant when they or their partner gets up one sunrise and discovers the fine emotion that retains them afloat has disintegrated under them. Cohabitation is a dangerous trend that has recently been too readily accepted without much resistance or criticism from society Is cohabitation a sin or not depends on what one means by the word moving in together, in the Bible it is clearly stated that having a sexual relationship before marriage is a sin and in the Bible the word fornication has been used to explain the forbidden deed of living together before marriage and how sexually immoral such an act is. In most of the religions practiced all over the world the concept of cohabitation is prohibited and is considered as a sin for which one cannot be forgiven. Many couples living together are happy internally but due to the guilt inside of committing a sin and the social not acceptance of their relationship disturb their bond and they are in a constant insecure state. America is a State where the society has widely accepted this socially constructed concept of living in together although Christianity does not allow that a man and women should live together before marriage as it results in temptation that leads them to cross every limit and turn into an e nemy of God. Living together means two people with consensus making a decision to go against the will of God for the sake of love or sexual temptation, which can be definitely called a sin. Why a sin? Well because the whole approach undermines the value of a family structure and mainly because almost all the religions do not accept it as a moral deed. Body: A: Is living together before marriage wrong? Cohabitation takes away the charm of marriage and turns it into a compromise if children are involved. Couples that move in together to try out if they can have a happy married life end up in a broken relationship which leaves a long lasting effect on their lifes. The growing trend of living together is wrong because according to various surveys and research reports the cohabitant couples are most likely not interested in marrying each other and even if they do there is a high rate of separation, sexual abuse and mental torture not only for the couple but for the children as well. How would a parent stop his/her daughter from living in with another guy if they have practiced the same act? Children of cohabitant couples have a high tendency of indulging in immoral activities in their young teenage and suffer from physical violence. The people who move in together before marriage are also expected to have extramarital affairs and are not good at commitments. Most importantly it is a re ligious sin and is an act if practiced pushes Gods blessing away from you. It is a physical attraction that leads to instability in life; even many satisfied live in partners end up in the torturing break ups and a constant feeling of fear and resentment. (Don Weston) Some say cohabitation is not wrong, what is the big deal if two people want to live together and share their expenses and responsibilities? The younger generation of today finds living together a very attractive package, one gets to enjoy all the desires without any legality. There is no risk of divorce, many justify it by claiming that moving in together before marriage gives them an opportunity to know each other more closely and decide whether to get involved in a legal relationship or not. With the rapid increase in modernization this trend has been now accepted as a culture in many parts of the United State. B: Why do the Cons outweigh the Pros of living together before marriage? Living in together before marriage for the new generation is like a roller coaster ride for free! Whereas they dont see the side effects of availing this package, the cons are enough for the critics to justify their criticism on living in together. Though many couples prefer moving in together rather than getting into a serious marital relationship which actually shows the level of commitment they share, and the sacred relation of marriage they are scared to get involved in. The more a couple is sexually active before marriage the greater they have a chance to get divorced, because they get over with all the temptation and craze as much as they prolong their living together time period. (Fowler, 2005) Conclusion: Cohabitation is forbidden: The couples who favor cohabitation even if are in majority cannot deny that religiously as well as morally the concept of as a Bible calls it fornication is forbidden by God in nature. The word pornography had been originated from this same word and as it is seen the society considers such websites and acts highly immoral and against their beliefs and religion. The acceptance of this concept by society means they are accepting a trend which will destroy the institution of marriage as well as the responsibility of parents will be questioned as well due to getting involved multiply in such a deed. Although this concept has been growing in Christ but Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and many other religions are strictly forbidden from committing any such deed and if they do so they believe that they will be answerable to God Almighty and even if God forgives; it is not easy to be forgiven by the society for something that is sinful and is forbidden in nature. Work Cited: Grinberg, Emanuella. Report: More women moving in before marriage. 4 April 2013. CNN. 2013 . Gueren, Casey. Are You Ready to Move in Together? 11 April 2013. The Scoop. 2013 . Kaplan, Karen. More Americans are living together before marriage, study finds. 03 April 2013. L.ATimes. 2013 . Murray, Rheana. Half of couples move in before marriage, stay there longer: CDC. 5 May 2013. NYDailyNews. 2013 . Staff, Patch. Study Reported by CDC Reveals More People Now Live Together Before Marriage. 5 April 2013. DuluthPatch. 2013 . Don Weston, L. M. Twenty Good Reasons why not to cohabitant Before Marriage. Kansas City, Missouri: Family Life Ministries- Church of the Nazarene Jim Pettit, PhD coordinator. Fowler, R. (2005) Scriptures on Living Together Before Marriage

Monday, January 20, 2020

Lacanian Mirror Stage: Oedipus the King :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex

Lacanian Mirror Stage: Oedipus the King The essence of this paper is to determine whether or not Jocasta played a more important role in the rise and fall of the title character. The paper will examine the play Oedipus Tyrannus through the eyes of the French theorist Jacques Lacan. Specifically the paper will focus on the mirror stage of Lacan's theories. As to the criteria that the paper will use, there are some "truths" that need to be established about the Lacanian division of thinking. In Lacan's way of thought, we all have repressed desires, and these desires can never be fulfilled. In language, there are similar"eternal desires" that cannot be satiated. Lacan carries this further in identifying the patriarchal society with which we live in as being founded on men's words. Therefore, women have no voice in this world and cannot be satisfied in their life times. For one to better understand Jocasta's character, one must have a knowledge of Lacanian theory, on which it is based. Lacan's mirror stage, originally espoused by Freud, and its relationship to the conscious and un- consciousness. Freud believed that when a baby looked at an image of him/herself in a mirror, they would at a certain point in their development "realize" that the reflection was him/herself they were seeing. It is at this moment in a child's life that the "ego" is formed, or the formation of a "self-awareness". This ego is present in all people; it serves as a reminder of who we are and where we came from. However, Freud reasoned that to be a fully developed human, we must move on from the simple realization that we are ourselves. We must know or come to know that we aren't the only ones in the mirror. The "child," our selves and our egos, must also realize that our "mother" is there in the reflection with us. In doing so we begin to understand that we are not the only ones in the image, and therefore, not the center of being. Moreover, we "turn" to our mothers and look at them, breaking the egotistic stare. It is the ability to break the primary concern of viewing ourselves that allows us to move into society. We must be able to break that self concerned stare and focus it on our "Mothers" or society as it were. Thus constitutes the mirror stage of Freud's theory.

Sunday, January 12, 2020


The exact mechanism of action of ingloriousness is unknown however it is known to researchers and medical professionals that ingloriousness suppress the immune response of Re- negative pats. To Re- positive red blood cells as well as reestablishing normal importunately pathways (Apostate). Side Effects of MOA – Octagon and Privilege both have black box warnings however this black box warning does not apply to all Ingloriousness.The black box warning consists of increased risk of acute renal dysfunction/failure as well as thrombosis. The risk of thrombosis is increased in patients over the age of 65 years old, prolonged manipulation, etc. (Apostate). Other serious side effects include hypersensitivity, nonphysical, rather multiform, hyperinflation, hypersensitivity, aseptic meningitis, psychotherapeutic, viral transmission risk, and hemolytic anemia Teaching – It Is common for the patient to experience headache, cough, (Apostate). Cause and vomiting, rash, Uralic, fever, rigors, flushing, back pain, fatigue, chest tightness, muscle cramps, and elevated BUN Cry elevated lab values (Apostate). It is important to alert your doctor of any allergy before beginning to take these medications. Do not get any type of immunization while taking ingloriousness without getting an okay from your doctor (Monoclinic). Administration Consideration (Special timing, take with/without food, etc. ) – It is important to take this medication on a very regular schedule as well as making sure to take the medication with food.There Is a serious risk of nonphysical with these medications so the Importance of telling your doctors your allergies is very great (Monoclinic). Drug/Drug Interactions Major – proportioning most concerning) – Consult your doctor if you are on any medications for heart problems, blood clotting, or atherosclerosis as ingloriousness can cause an increased risk for blood clotting and a higher risk when these other types of medication s are Involved (Monoclonal).Taking other immune globulins at the time of administration can cause a very serious side effect of nonprescription (Apostate). Required Labs – Numerous ingloriousness labs must be completed to determine which mucilaginous within the body has quit working. (Gig, leg, LCD, IGMP, and Gig). Doctors use these tests to determine what type of indemnification disease the patient is suffering from by seeing which mucilaginous levels are increased or decreased from the normal lab values (Kids Health).

Friday, January 3, 2020

Teen Suicide And The Role Of The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Teen Suicide and the Role of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Introduction: â€Å"The overall goal for the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project is to meet the challenge of preparing future nurses who will have the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the healthcare systems within which they work†(Graduate KSAs, 2014 para.1) In looking through the competencies that this statement embodies, I have chosen the competency of safety. This competency is defined as minimizing the risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance (2014). The topic I have chosen to discuss in regards to safety is the role that the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) plays in the recognition and the treatment of teen suicide. According to the National Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance survey (2013) suicide among teens and adolescents is a major health problem. It is the 3rd leading cause of death in 10-24 year olds in the United States. In the survey, 17% of students reported seriously considering suicide in the 12 months prior to the survey (Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2013). With these reported numbers in the pediatric population, it is of vital importance that the PNP as the primary care provider (PCP) knows how to appropriately screen for, refer and treat this patient. This paper discusses the suicidal teen and the role of the PNP to promote theShow MoreRelatedMajor Depressive Disorder1739 Words   |  7 Pagesappear to be one of irritability rather than a look of sadness. Symptoms of a depressed individual are: feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, agitation, guilt, difficulty thinking and focusing, fatigue, loss of appetite, recurrent thoughts of suicide or death, withdrawal and insomnia. Major Depressive Disorder is a mood disorder that is hard to detect in children. Children tend to lack the abilities at such young ages to express their emotional and cognitive state of mind. A child’s dev elopmentalRead MoreThe Quality Improvement Proposal Of Implementing A Safety Plan2986 Words   |  12 Pagesexperiencing a mental crisis are commonly referred to an acute inpatient psychiatric setting where they are to regain safe and effective functioning so they can return to their homes and communities. Over the past decade, inpatient admissions for pediatric patients have significantly increased by 68% due to the exhibition of self-injurious behaviors and increased suicidal ideation (YoungMinds, 2015). The focus of this paper is to introduce the quality improvement proposal of implementing a safetyRead MoreAlcohol Marketing and Advertising25059 Words   |  101 Pagesplacement standard in effect in 2001 and 2002 permitted the ads to reach a substantial youth audience. This is particularly significant where the products and some ad themes may be attractive to minors. Although it is probable that some teens drink FMBs, teen drinking continued to decline during the period when these beverages were being aggressively marketed. Self-regulation practices in the alcohol industry have shown improvement since issuance of the 1999 Report. The 1999 Report recommendedRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words   |  1792 PagesSecurity Act of 1974 (other than under section 6 609), title XXII of the Public Health Service Act, 7 section 4980B of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 8 (other than subsection (f)(1) of such section insofar 9 as it relates to pediatric vaccines), or section 905a 10 of title 5, United States Code, or under a State pro- 11 gram that provides comparable continuation cov- 12 erage. Such term does not include coverage under a 13 health flexible spending arrangementRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 Pagesinternationally. Chris was the Iowa recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching in 1986. He was a regional winner of the IBM Com- Contents 1 The Role of Statistics and the Data Analysis Process 1.1 Three Reasons to Study Statistics 1 1.2 The Nature and Role of Variability 4 1.3 Statistics and the Data Analysis Process 7 1.4 Types of Data and Some Simple Graphical Displays 12 Activity 1.1 Head Sizes: Understanding Variability 22 Activity 1.2 Estimating